Guitarist, Songwriter, Producer
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Summer Update 2019
June 08, 2019
Apologies for the long break between updates, been a busy last 12 months so here's a quick catchup.
Summer 2018 saw me continuing to sail the high seas with Gareth Gates taking in some more lovely parts of the world from the Caribbean to the Med, always fun playing with Gareth. Very talented and a good friend, even got busy writing some new material too so looking forward to that in the future...
Played with another good friend Rich Brook (Headspace's first drummer) at Britannia festival playing some classic Brit songs, with an orchestra, highlighted with playing Parklife with none other than Phil Daniels. Great memory.
Then, continuing the theme of being able to work with good friends, Adam Falkner and Jimmy Simms and I got to be a scratch band for Nashville country artist Logan Brill. Logan was a pleasure to work with, and really talented, was fun to be part of.
One bad inclusion is that my car got broken into in Central London and my Kiesel Vader 8 (yes the Headspace bright green one) got stolen. Completely gutted as my "extra music based" insurance policy said it wasn't covered as it was on the back seat of my car. Thanks Aviva, policy cancelled.
Anyway if you see a Kiesel Headless Bright Green 8 string guitar in your travels drop me a line please.
I did get Kiesel to build me another one though, its equally awesome, love those guitars. I'll put some pics up, but for the more observant at Dido shows, you'll notice it is my spare in my guitar rack.
Later in the year saw some seasonal shows with Alfie Boe, playing some xmas classics and even a lovely arrangement of O Come All Ye Faithful, that the brilliant Murray Gould and I managed to channel our inner medieval sides. Was filmed in a church for ITV's carol service.
The next morning i was off to Dubai with another good friend Natalie Imbruglia to play a chartity event for artists for peace. Was an acoustic set with guests including Ben Stiller, Susan Sarandon and the Duchess of York. (Of course i played it cool by saying as little as possible to not seem like a weirdo but they were all lovely).
Always love working with Nat, and looking forward to some new things on the horizon too.
Another Xmas show with Alfie, being joined by Rick Wakeman and Roy Wood, pretty great night, always great to see Rick too.
Quick visit back to Perth for a week to see some friends and family then...
After a few years of just working together on acoustic arrangements of tunes prepping for the idea that one day we might hit the road it happened. Dido released her new album Still On My Mind.
Was a real pleasure to play guitar on the album and work with Dido and her brother Rollo on it, and now the first half of 2019 has seen us take to the stage (for the first time in 15 years) to some amazing audiences and some great experiences. I feel very honoured to be a small part of this show and Dido has become such a good friend over the years that i am genuinely excited to see the reactions she gets every night she walks onto the stage.
Check the live section for tour dates and look forward to seeing you on the road in 2019/20.
At the moment we have a week between EU and US legs of the Dido tour I managed to get on the ship with Gareth in Southampton and play a few shows in the Limelight Club, learn the Anastacia set in my cabin and fly to Bologna to play a festival at Comacchio Beach. I do love playing with Anastacia, so much great music and a real high energy show.
Fly out tomorrow to Chicago to start the US/Canada leg of the Dido tour. Can't wait to see some old friends, meet some new ones and play these fantastic songs!
Summer will see plenty of writing and some updates for Headspace soon too, busy working on new record, can't wait to get that together. From October the Dido tour is headed to South America and then back to Europe and the UK. I have never been to South America, and neither has Dido. Judging from the amount of fans that travelled to Europe from South America to see her its going to be pretty amazing. Looking forward to that!
Also managed to record some guitars parts for the UK radio edit of Michael Buble's beautiful song Forever Now. Although guitar parts were just for this version on UK radio, Its a beautiful and touching song about his family's experience and was an honour to play on it.
Thanks for checking out my site, will endeavor to add more frequently, see you on the road!

Summer Heatwave 2018
July 15, 2018
Hi everyone,
Its been a busy year so far in 2018, thought it was time to bring you up to speed with what's been happening so far and what's coming up for the rest of the year.
January saw Gareth Gates and I head to the Caribbean to perform some intimate shows in the Limelight Club on the P&O ship Britannia. Lovely little gig in some amazing places since including the Caribbean, Norway, Spain Portugal and heading back to Spain tomorrow finishing in France. More in the Med through summer, its been a lot of fun and managaed to see some amazing places, eat some great food and even find some time to try our hand at a baking class!
Feb saw a really nice run of acoustic shows with Natalie Imbruglia around the UK. Returning to some lovely venues like Union Chapel in Islington. Thanks to everyone who came out to see the shows, always great working with Nat and playing her songs in that stripped, acoustic format is really enjoyable.
At the end of Feb I got to join Anastacia in Germany again for a one off show. Was great to play with her and the band again. Lots of rocking out and some first performances of a couple of new album tracks too, after last year with learning the set last minute, it felt right to have some more tunes to learn again ;-)
Also got to work with Kevin Simm again in the studio on some more acoustic tracks, was a pleasure and its fun working out tunes in an acoustic setup. I really enjoy the process of trying to make the guitar fill out the track enough so the vocal comes through well.
March through to May involved more Gareth shows on the ship, and even a round of golf in Marbella!
May i got to start working with Alfie Boe on some live shows. Really fun band and Alfie is brilliant to work with.
Probably the most eclectic setlist I've seen and tbh there were changes hapening on show days! But to his credit Alfie has a huge musical background and the show really was a look through his career to date and I was playing Nylon string italain songs one minute, rocking out on The Who Classic Quadrophenia tunes the next, picking my way through banjo tunes another, playing Zeppelin on a 12 String and strumming Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton tunes as well. But somehow through all that it was a fantastic show and Alfie is so entertaining. The Fleetwood homecoming show which is where the pic is from lasted over 3 hours! i even got a pint delivered (thanks Alfie) to the stage from an unsuspecting concert goer who stood up at the wrong time :-)
June was a special month as One eskimO finally played a show together. It has been over 7 years since we played together and even longer in the UK so a show at The Bedford in Balham was a really lovely moment. Loved playing those tunes again and get caught up in the bond that the 4 of us have. Especially in front of our friends and new family members who have been born since the band last played. Thanks Kris, Adam and Jamie. Look forward to more in the future.
Rest of the year has Gareth and I sailing the high seas again, working on some new Headspace material, and a few surprises yet to be announced as well.
Enjoy the summer, or winter for my Southern Hemisphere people.
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Happy New Year 2018
January 08, 2018
WhHappy New Year Everyone!
Just a quick end of year catch up and look into 2018.
August and Sept 2017 i got to travel to Italy with Natalie for some great shows in Sardinia, was a lot of fun and we ate very well. Plus we met Terrence the tarantula who stood guard at the front of our hotel much to everyone's delight!
On return i flew to NY to catch up with my good friend Charlie Griffiths and his band mates from Haken playing with Mike Portnoy in the Shattered Fortress project. Was a real treat to see the show and my good friends playing music from Dream Theater that we are all huge fans of.
The end of Sept I got back to the studio and recorded an EP for Kevin Simms that did well on itunes, It's called Love and Pain check it out on itunes here. All acoustic arrangements of some well known tunes.
October Natalie performed an acoustic set at Phillip's gallery for the musically names Aeolian Island preservation fund, great cause looking after the fragile environment in this area. Was nice to be part of a special night.
The end of October i got to rock out with my good friend Darby Todd playing some great rock tunes with Europe's guitarist Kee Marcello in Belgium. Was a lot of fun playing some great music, rocking out with these guys.
Also later in October managed to get together with Adam Falkner and Kristian Leontiou and reform One Eskimo for a night at Kristian's restaurant/bar in Clapton. Was a pretty special night for us as its been a long time since we have played together, Jamie Sefton you were missed to complete the show, sadly away for that date, but, who knows maybe it will happen again before too long.
November saw a crazy schedule involving a flight to Melbourne to play the Melbourne Cup Derby day with Natalie Imbruglia, a couple of days visiting friends and family then another show with Natalie. Even got to see Midnight Oil play at the Myer Music Bowl in Melbourne after our show. Was a short but action packed trip!
Back to the UK and a flight the next morning up to Aberdeen for a show, back down to London for a day then back up to Skegness with Gareth Gates, back after the show that night and into a Russian visa appointment the next day before my flight to Moscow for another acoustic show with Natalie. Was a lot of traveling and some unusual shows, but always thankful when things work out to have some great experiences and even see some friends and family along the way.
End of November marked a run of European band shows with Natalie, even had my good friend Adam Wakeman from Headspace with me filling in on keys which was a lot of fun. Switzerland, Austria, Slovakia and Czech Republic all in a week or so.
December rolled on pretty quickly with another show with Natalie in Brussels, a handful of festive corporate shows, some studio work and a little bit of teaching too.
Here we are in 2018 with some fun things to start the year. Next week off to Barbados on a cruise with Gareth for a week. Just the 2 of us, intimate acoustic shows guitar and piano. Will be a lot of fun, looking forward to it....and the sun! There will be more of these through the start of the year around various places see the Live section for details.
Then when back from that straight to rehearsals with Natalie for her upcoming UK acoustic tour in Feb. Please check my Live section for dates and venues.
Will get some more info and pictures, vids up as soon as i can look forward to seeing you in 2018.
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Summer 2017
July 02, 2017
Been a busy few months, but thought time to update things online while killing some time in an airport.
Feb i got to set sail again with pals from Haken. Particularly eventful as the guys were to be to be playing with Mike Portnoy as a surprise on Cruise to the Edge 2017. So many highlights, but a few include:
Watching one of my best friends playing Dream Theater songs with Mike Portnoy in a tiny rehearsal space. Hanging out with Steve Morse and Dave Larue also at said rehearsal space.
Seeing Casey McPherson again after quite a while (his band Alpha Rev opened for One EskimO in the USA a few years back)
Pretty much everything at Cruise to the Edge. Including an epic Mini Golf round with Ray on day 1 ;-)
March had some shows with Callaghan in London and further north, and also started putting together an acoustic tour with Natalie Imbruglia. A quick break back to Perth to see friends and family for a week at the start of April and then we started a 6 day rehearsal schedule to put the acoustic tour together with Natalie. I normally play guitar with Natalie in her full band shows so this was a different deal with a smaller lineup. Got to add a few new tracks from Natalie's catalogue which was a lot of fun, and got to change things up playing a few tracks on lapsteel and dobro which I really enjoyed. Shows went great and saw us traveling all over Europe from Russia to Estonia to Poland to Bucharest, Bulgaria, Hungary, Croatia, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, UK, France, Sweden, Denmark, and Holland. Thanks to everyone who came along to watch us and make us feel special.
Got back from the Natalie tour on Monday to a text from Anastacia's tour manager saying that their guitar player had injured his arm really badly and would I be available to join the tour on Thursday? I of course said yes, got the show sent to me and started learning on Tues night once i was confirmed for the shows. Wed i had plans with my daughter all day, so when i got the call from Anastacia's Musical Director i was actually at the top of a Ferris wheel!
Finished learning the rest of the show that night once we had got back and my daughter was in bed. Then on the train first thing from Kings Cross to Newcastle to play the first show that night. Was pretty full to the brim of music to say the least but the band , crew and Anastacia were all so good to me, I had a blast and was such a great experience. Had the added bonus of learning about Anastacia's fan app which for every show had 3 more tracks put up that the audience can vote for during the day, so for each of the shows there was another song to learn each day before soundcheck! Nothing like a bit of pressure to bring out your best though, and again thanks to Orefo, Steve, Gary, Maria, Christina, Sarah, Anastacia and everyone for having me!
Now we are in June and nice to be home for a few days! Got to pull the banjo out at Royal Ascot which was fun, even saw the Queen...on a big screen, but still, she was there!
Then into a quick day rehearsal back with Natalie and the band this time for 3 shows at Military bases in Japan. Camp Zama, Yokota and Yokosuka. I am currently sat at Tokyo Narita airport and the shows were alot of fun. Covered Army, Airforce and Navy so far, waiting for my flight to Honolulu for the last show of this run. Havent had a lot of time in Japan to take in much as the schedule has been very tight from show to show but i think we have a bit of time when we get to Hawaii, so can't moan(a)...
Some acoustic shows in August with Gareth Gates too which will be cool, haven't done many of those this year, so looking forward to getting back together with him.
Updating Live section for upcoming shows as well.
That's all for now,
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